Condo owners are becoming second-class citizens vs condo renters nation-wide. Renters are seldom evicted for disturbing their neighbors, can't be fined, and can generally do whatever they want without consequence. The absent owner can be fined, but it's often too much trouble for condo boards and managers to go after out-of-state owners for the bad deeds of their renters. Further, fearing … [Read more...]
Condo Board Harassment – Condo Board Bullies
A Slice of Paradise for Condo Commandos. One would hope that condo board harassment is on the decline - especially in Florida, given Florida's comprehensive statutes defining and protecting condo owner and HOA owner rights. Unfortunately, there are still pockets of condo board abuse, as in the following case: 1. Screen Enclosure - The owners removed their non structural screen enclosure … [Read more...]
Condo Board Abuse – Condo Board Bans American Flag after Hurricane Irma
Did a Condo Attorney Fail to Advise the Condo President and Board about "The Freedom to Display Flag Act of 2005" and/or the Related Florida Statute? A Florida condominium association board took co-owners to arbitration in 2017, because they raised the American Flag on their limited common element after Hurricane Irma. The arbitrator eventually told both attorneys they could legally fly … [Read more...]
Smoking Ban in Condominiums: How to Ban Smoking Inside Condo Units
How to Convince Neighbors to Stop Smoking "This book is truly a breath of fresh air for all who suffer from second hand smoke in condominiums and homeowners associations. It’s the perfect guide for condo owners who desire a smoke free environment." - Rita Zemlock, president, Group Against Smokers Pollution (GASP), Florida Do you long for a smoke free condominium? Do you wish you could convince … [Read more...]
Inherited Apartments: New Property Owner’s Help for Tenant Screenings
The apartment complex you inherited makes you an influential participant in the economic recovery of the nation. Guest post by Sabrina Ames. Property owners, rental agencies, renters and the service providers who keep apartments and rental homes in good repair contribute over one trillion dollars to the economy annually, according to the National Multi Housing Council. Screening … [Read more...]
Condo Security Guards: Your Rights – Their Responsibilities
Condo Security Guards: What are the duties and obligations of security guards? What can an owner in distress expect? What exactly are condo owners and HOA members paying for? I wrote the following letter to our property manager following an incident with our condo security company. The security company owner apologized and the guard in question was removed from our property. Both the property … [Read more...]
Foreclosure Process Inside Story. Attorney Evan Rosen: Why Banks are Slow to Foreclose.
The following article was authored and shared with our readers by Florida foreclosure expert, attorney Evan Rosen. I interviewed Evan on the foreclosure process, specifically: how banks and third-party groups foreclose on homes without proper documents - and ways you can stop them. Enjoy the audio and Evan Rosen's insightful article below. ~ Dr. Joyce Starr Understanding the Foreclosure … [Read more...]
Condo Health – Clean Indoor Air – No Smoking Inside Your Unit
Condo health: Our condo Board asked me to draft a bulletin emphasizing our commitment to a healthy environment. The real objective was to stop owners from smoking inside their units, but without directly attacking smokers. I opened the bulletin with "cooking" and closed it with "food." Perhaps you could use a similar approach in your condo. For years, my arguments regarding the dangers of … [Read more...]
HOA Boards Out of Control – Foreclosures, liens, abuse.
HOA/COA/CID: Fining, Assessing & Foreclosing. How to Recall Your Condo or HOA Board - or Individual Board Members - in Ten Steps!! Buy Now on Amazon, Apple, or Barnes & Noble. A slew of companies have popped up offering to help boards impose liens on condo & HOA owners for a myriad of reasons. Condo boards/HOA boards can destroy a an owner's life in a few hours - few questions … [Read more...]
Condo Elections – Policies, Procedures or Lack Thereof (Fraud)
Condo Election Monitors Valmore Lucier's Condo Board Election Revolt on condo electioneering & fraud would have you in stitches if the consequences weren't so sad. As board victim Karoline Kuebler wrote: "Guess who broke all the rules, who harassed, terrorized, discriminated and destroyed....the Board." (Download the eBook version of Lucier's book on To the Board … [Read more...]