How to Convince Neighbors to Stop Smoking "This book is truly a breath of fresh air for all who suffer from second hand smoke in condominiums and homeowners associations. It’s the perfect guide for condo owners who desire a smoke free environment." - Rita Zemlock, president, Group Against Smokers Pollution (GASP), Florida Do you long for a smoke free condominium? Do you wish you could convince … [Read more...]
Condo Health – Clean Indoor Air – No Smoking Inside Your Unit
Condo health: Our condo Board asked me to draft a bulletin emphasizing our commitment to a healthy environment. The real objective was to stop owners from smoking inside their units, but without directly attacking smokers. I opened the bulletin with "cooking" and closed it with "food." Perhaps you could use a similar approach in your condo. For years, my arguments regarding the dangers of … [Read more...]
Cigarette Addicts: How they Rob Your DNA & Threaten Your Life
We've been suffering from secondhand smoke assault for over two years. As a result of our complaints - and efforts to educate - our Board is now requiring all new owners and renters to agree in writing that if they light up a cigarette, they will do so on their balcony. It's a good start - proving that non-smokers can make a difference. Unfortunately, this rule doesn't yet affect current owners … [Read more...]
Secondhand Smoke in Condominiums Harms Women, Children and Pets
Secondhand Smoke Crimes by Dr. Joyce Starr. How women and children residing in condominiums were victimized by secondhand smoke, and what you can do to fight back. Dr. Starr and NY literary agent Karen Gantz discuss the issue in the podcast below. How children were poisoned and bleeding in their beds. How letters from doctors were ignored. How a condo board president and … [Read more...]