How to bring terrorism from Gaza to a full stop. Why ceasefires - ceasing in order to fire - cannot work. Why the insertion of international forces is bound to fail. Why tired, rinse and repeat diplomatic efforts will not succeed. Israelis will never forgive and forget. They will never agree to Palestinian statehood involving Gaza. A new island for the people of Gaza must be established … [Read more...]
Domain Name Offer Scam: Beware this Foreign Buyer!
How It Begins: You receive an email from GoDaddy, Google or other registry site with the email heading: "Someone's interested in your domain." The email reads: "We received a request from someone who'd like to contact you regarding [domain name], which you registered through our site. We are required to forward these types of requests to you. While you are not under any obligation to … [Read more...]
First He Came for THEIR Children…
Will the child-abuser-in-chief come for yours? Is he testing the waters? How/when did he plan to return those 2,300+ children to their parents - with no tracking system in place? Do you remember (or have you read about) Argentina's Dirty War - from 1974 to 1983 - where the military dictatorship "disappeared" over 30,000 people, killing mothers and gifting their babies to top military brass … [Read more...]
Tribute to Veterans
A lesson that should be taught in all schools and colleges. On the first day of school in September 2009, Martha Cothren, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School, removed all of the desks from her classroom. She did so with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor. When the first period kids entered the room they discovered that … [Read more...]
Census Bureau Stalks Women, Elderly & Minorities – Commerce Department Should Be Ashamed
Census Bureau Harassment Includes Gestapo Tactics - You WILL Comply with our "American Community Survey" - or else! 2022 Update. I received a call in January from a woman who lives in California. Here's what she said. "I'm a resident of California. I filled the American Community Survey out in 2013. They hit me up for another one in 2021. They've been threatening me with letters and postcards. … [Read more...]
Giants of Israel: Beating Impossible Odds
Israel's Greatest Era: The Human Element in U.S.-Israel Relations From David Ben-Gurion, Shimon Peres, Golda Meir and Yitzhak Rabin to Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and General Ariel Sharon. Candid interviews with Israeli giants and key players on the U.S.-Israeli relationship — dramatized by over 70 historic photographs of Israeli and U.S. leaders in “Kodak” moments. Providing critical … [Read more...]
Supreme Court Ruling on Cell Phone Privacy Vindicates Snowden, Greenwald, the Guardian & the Washington Post
The Supreme court rules unanimously on cellphone privacy rights. Warrantless cellphone searches are not permitted under the fourth amendment (in most cases). Read on the Guardian. Read on Reuters. By Lawrence Hurley (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that police officers usually need a warrant before they can search the cellphone of an arrested suspect, a major … [Read more...]
Daniel Ellsberg & Edward Snowden: Whistleblowers & Heroes in Common
Henry Kissinger called Daniel Ellsberg "the most dangerous man in America." Why? Because "Ellsberg sacrificed a promising Government career to inform the American public that the Vietnam War had been packaged and sold as containment of the Communist threat, when in fact the historical record, as recorded in the Pentagon Papers, illuminated fervent imperial ambition across successive US … [Read more...]
State of Secrets: PBS Frontline Documentary Reveals Post-911 Cabal Against Your Privacy
PBS Frontline details post-911 surveillance efforts launched by President George Bush and later embraced by President Barack Obama. If you missed this documentary on your local station, visit and view it online. Riveting! A debt of gratitude to PBS for researching and airing this show re "the history of the massive National Security Agency surveillance program that started after … [Read more...]
Edward Snowden Pardon Playlist: “You Can’t Slip a Chip into My Brain, NSA”
Edward Snowden will likely be remembered long after 99 percent of No Such Agency (NSA) leaders and defenders are forgotten. A clean-cut geek risked his freedom to protect our privacy rights. More than 10 folk songs have already been written about Edward Snowden, including: "You Can't Slip a Chip into My Brain, NSA" by Grant William Brad Gerver, and "Hello, NSA" by Roy Zimmerman. "I know you'll … [Read more...]