Covid-19 Losses, Stock Market Gains & Political Fallout -- Who is Rigging the Market? As of 12/27/2020 - Fortunately, this is our last post on Covid-19. Congress passed a $900 billion relief package this week that included a foreign aid component for Pakistan and other distant locals. What?!! As of this hour, the President is still refusing to sign the bill, calling for additional sums he is … [Read more...]
Stock Markets Rally over Loss of Life and Sorrow.
US and global stock market seem to rally during natural, national and international disasters. Tornadoes, floods, terrorist attacks, the greater the loss of life, seemingly the stronger the rally. The stock market rise following a terrorist attack on Turkey's largest airport was no exception. The US S&P Spider ETN was up by 1.7% the morning after. … [Read more...]
Obama’s Stock Market Miracle for Wealthy Donors: Bubble for the Rest?
During the February storms that paralyzed the East Coast, killed 20 people and denied power to over 700,000, the U.S. stock market was on steroids. Misery apparently brings glee on Wall Street. Since it bottomed in 2009, the stock market has been on a meteoric rise - while economic security (and hope) has vaporized for middle and lower income class workers. The Federal Reserve was pumping $85 … [Read more...]
Federal Reserve Audit: Why Bernanke held First Fed Press Conference
California could have fallen into the sea, but the stock market would continue to spiral upwards - at least until the powers that be decided otherwise. Why? Because that's what it's been programmed to do. Anyone who thinks the market is being pumped by new money is having an out-of-mind experience. The Federal Reserve - Oracle of Delphi - held its first press conference this week since it was … [Read more...]
Wall Street vs Main Street: Greatest Wealth Heist in US History
The stock market was on an upward trajectory from the end of August through mid-October 2010, with nary a breather. In good times, the rocket ascent might have raised a few eyebrows. In bad economic times - and in advance of the November elections - it's downright suspicious. Show Date: October 14, 2010. The market may have hit a high point on October 13, 2010 - only time will … [Read more...]
Stock Market Terms for Trying Times
Redefining the stock market with laugh 'til you cry - or stop crying - definitions. BEAR MARKET -- A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry and the husband gets no new electronic toys. BROKER -- What my broker has made me. BULL MARKET -- A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius. CASH FLOW -- The movement … [Read more...]