Dr. Starr interviews Bernie Madoff victim Lawrence Velvel on SEC neglect and failure to investigate. Mr. Velvel is Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. Show Date: April 22, 2009 Dean Velvel contends the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was “willfully, horribly negligent” in failing to monitor Madoff's operation. The federal judge overseeing the criminal case … [Read more...]
Goldman Sachs Bailout Winner Dominates Banking Landscape
Under the policy enacted by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Goldman's chief executive until 2006, key competitors have failed or been diminished. Goldman is now poised to dominate the investment banking landscape. The following article by David Weidner appeared on MarketWatch.com on April 7, 2009 in Weidner's "Writing on the Wall" Column. Due to the importance of this piece, we are … [Read more...]
Stock Fraud: How to Get A Portion of Your Money Back
Shareholder Rights What are your shareholders rights when a stock you own drops like a rock, the company goes broke or shareholders are victims of massive stock market fraud/stock broker fraud? How can shareholders reclaim invested funds and how much can can they expect to get back? How can a stock fraud attorney help? How do you find the right stock fraud lawyer? Why would a defrauded … [Read more...]