Henry Kissinger called Daniel Ellsberg "the most dangerous man in America." Why? Because "Ellsberg sacrificed a promising Government career to inform the American public that the Vietnam War had been packaged and sold as containment of the Communist threat, when in fact the historical record, as recorded in the Pentagon Papers, illuminated fervent imperial ambition across successive US … [Read more...]
Edward Snowden Pardon Playlist: “You Can’t Slip a Chip into My Brain, NSA”
Edward Snowden will likely be remembered long after 99 percent of No Such Agency (NSA) leaders and defenders are forgotten. A clean-cut geek risked his freedom to protect our privacy rights. More than 10 folk songs have already been written about Edward Snowden, including: "You Can't Slip a Chip into My Brain, NSA" by Grant William Brad Gerver, and "Hello, NSA" by Roy Zimmerman. "I know you'll … [Read more...]
Patriots & Whistleblower Edward Snowden – Lon Snowdon Letter
Lon Snowden, the father of whistleblower Edward Snowden, wrote an open letter to his son, in collaboration with attorney Bruce Fein. The letter was submitted to the Associated Press and reprinted in the Guardian on July 2, 2013. As regards your reduction to de facto statelessness occasioned by the Executive Branch to penalize your alleged violations of the Espionage Act, the United States … [Read more...]