Covid-19 Losses, Stock Market Gains & Political Fallout -- Who is Rigging the Market? As of 12/27/2020 - Fortunately, this is our last post on Covid-19. Congress passed a $900 billion relief package this week that included a foreign aid component for Pakistan and other distant locals. What?!! As of this hour, the President is still refusing to sign the bill, calling for additional sums he is … [Read more...]
US Economic Numbers Don’t Add Up: Why So Giddy Over Economic Recovery?
Contradiction! We're nearly 13 trillion in debt but the economy is recovering. The stock market has outstripped Vegas as the playground of choice for bankers, brokers and the super-rich (again), while American workers depend on a roll of the dice. How can the US economy be so healthy and so sick at the same time? Why are so many mainstream commentators positively giddy about economic … [Read more...]
Federal Reserve Declares Recession is Dead: Twelve Indicators that Economy is in Trouble
Economic Recovery Revisited - Economists & Fed Declare Recession is Dead. Real folks don't believe it. Twelve top indicators that the economy is bad from Rights Radio resident forensic economist, Dr. David Goldenberg. YOU KNOW THE ECONOMY IS BAD WHEN...(in reverse order) 12. CEO's are now playing miniature golf. 11. I received a pre-declined credit card in the mail. 10. I went to … [Read more...]
Economic Revival: Economic Revival Wisdom Proven Wrong – Forcasting our Future
Quotes that remind us what economic revival "crash and prosperity" experts didn't know then and cannot know now re economic recovery. Courtesy of Rights Radio forensic economist and author, Dr. David Goldenberg. "We will not have any more crashes in our time." - John Maynard Keynes in 1927 "I cannot help but raise a dissenting voice to statements that we are living in a fool's paradise, … [Read more...]
Economic Revival Strategies: How & When
Economist Dr. David I. Goldenberg on "The Coming Economic Revival: How & When." Dr. Goldenberg authored Creating Condo & Home Owner Documents, one of the three books in our Homeowners Association Rights Defense Kit, along with our special report, "How to Recall Your Codo or HOA Board in 10 Easy Steps." He's also co-chairman of our Rights Radio Think Tank Brain"Trust". Among … [Read more...]