US Economic Crisis by Dr. David Goldenberg: Strategies to Deal with the Economy (before late is too late.) [Dr. Goldenberg is the author of Creating Condo & Homeowner Association Documents and The Art of War 3: Canons of Commerce.] Here’s a mutually exclusive and exhaustive list of the broad families of strategies to deal with the current U.S. economic crisis. Which would you prefer? Tell … [Read more...]
Can Condo Boards Charge Fees to Owners Who Rent Their Units if Bylaws are Silent?
We receive frequent questions from condo owners and homeowners association members. Personal conflicts with condo boards and/or neighbors are dealt with through our private consultation service. We respond to generic questions when time allows, as per the condo rental fee and condo zoning issues raised below. QUESTION: Our Florida condo association board is trying to charge access fees … [Read more...]
Federal Reserve Declares Recession is Dead: Twelve Indicators that Economy is in Trouble
Economic Recovery Revisited - Economists & Fed Declare Recession is Dead. Real folks don't believe it. Twelve top indicators that the economy is bad from Rights Radio resident forensic economist, Dr. David Goldenberg. YOU KNOW THE ECONOMY IS BAD WHEN...(in reverse order) 12. CEO's are now playing miniature golf. 11. I received a pre-declined credit card in the mail. 10. I went to … [Read more...]
Economic Revival Strategies: How & When
Economist Dr. David I. Goldenberg on "The Coming Economic Revival: How & When." Dr. Goldenberg authored Creating Condo & Home Owner Documents, one of the three books in our Homeowners Association Rights Defense Kit, along with our special report, "How to Recall Your Codo or HOA Board in 10 Easy Steps." He's also co-chairman of our Rights Radio Think Tank Brain"Trust". Among … [Read more...]