Drug store requests city waiver for sale of beer and wine in residential area. Show Date: May 6, 2010. Nearly thirty-seven percent of criminal offenders are under the influence of alcohol when committing crimes, according to Federal statistics. After decades of decline, alcohol use and addiction among teens is on the rise. Therefore, one might ask, why is a national drug store … [Read more...]
Home Security: How to Prevent Home Invasions, Burglaries and Personal Attacks
Dr. Starr interviews Paul Pradines, former Burglary Strike Force supervisor. Paul spent over twenty-five years in law enforcement, including two decades in SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), twelve years as a SWAT Team Leader and seven years as supervisor of the Burglary Strike Force. The Tactical Police unit he headed specializes in covert patrols, intelligence gathering, and surveillance. … [Read more...]