Credit expert Joe Stallard reveals what you must know in order to repair your credit score and how you could be forced into home foreclosure after filing for bankruptcy.
- How many years does a negative item remain?
- Can credit card companies deny a favorable rating even when overdue bills are paid?
- What if derogatory items are not removed?
- Isn’t it more difficult today to file for bankruptcy?
“There is so much secrecy around this arena. Let me give you an example. People today have access to their credit records today only because congress enacted this right into law. When several congressmen ran into credit issue problems, they began to understand that is a highly secretive and powerful world. This industry doesn’t want you to know a great deal. Once the credit bureaus satisfy their legal requirement of giving you this free report, you could soon find yourself mired in a mess of corporate policies and non-responsiveness to the consumer.”