Emotional Support Animal Victories: Here's a list of recent cases. Fair Housing Enforcement Activities re Emotional Support Animals http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/enforcement/2009hudcharges.cfm 1. Reasonable accommodation for a child that needed a support animal with part of the complaint based on an "unreasonable pet license." Cooperative lost. Schein v. Townsend House Corp (a … [Read more...]
Pets in Condos + Cooperatives: Legal Victory re Emotional Support Animal for Disabled Child
Complainants alleged that the Respondent unlawfully denied their request to permit their minor child to have a medically prescribed emotional support animal. They won...at considerable cost. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES ) The Secretary, United States Department of ) Housing and Urban Development, ) on behalf of … [Read more...]
HOA Pet Gate Case Gone Amuck
Tied to HOA Gate: HOA Violations Gone Haywire. I want to share an email I received from a valiant HOA member who literally tied herself to a gate in defense of the right to protect her dog. Hopefully, her experience will assist other HOA members confronting arbitrary and vindictive violations. Hi Joyce, Thank you for your support. It was an unbelievable battle, and I still have many wounds. … [Read more...]