Home Air Purification. It’s not easy to find the right machine.
I’ve purchased a variety of machines and threw most of them away. None were able to effectively counter mold or other serious toxins.
I spoke with air purifying experts across the country, but most represented a single brand. Others offered air filter “review sites” – but couldn’t be reached by phone or never returned my call. Oddly enough, the “review” brands they “recommended” were also the brands they represented.

Clean Home Air for Kids
I chanced on Air-Purifiers-USA.biz at 2:30 in the morning during one of those frantic searches. I left a message, not really expecting a return call. I was about to purchase a machine I saw online. The price was reasonable, and there were many positive “reviews.” It was the wrong machine for my purposes – because it lacked the necessary strength carbon filters. But I had no way of knowing that at the time.

Barry Midwinter Air Purifiers USA
Barry Midwinter, president of Air Purifiers USA, responded early the following morning. It was a pleasure to speak with such a knowledgeable, yet soft-spoken person. He didn’t try to “sell” me a machine. Rather, he patiently explained the strengths and weaknesses of different types of machines. (We do not receive ANY affiliate income – or income of any kind – if you make a purchase.)
I authored Secondhand Smoke Crimes and Smoke Free Condos – attacking second-hand and third-hand smoke poisoning of adults, children and pets, explaining the health risks involved and your legal options for fighting back. But while fighting chain-smoking bullies in your building, what can you do about cigarette smoke in your home? Call Barry Midwinter.
Barry entered the air purification business in 2001. Originally from Canada he’s a Chartered Accountant (CPA) and also has a Computer Science Degree. Prior to 2001 he worked in the Financial Services Industry as a financial advisor.

Allerair 5000

Inside Your Air Purifier
His wife, a family physician who presides over two medical clinics, suffers from allergies. They founded Air-Purification-USA.biz to help others breathe clean air. “We wanted to offer products that would be helpful to people. Air purifiers seemed a good choice.”
They launched their first site in 2002 and now have six air purification websites. “We encourage people to call us with questions,” Barry explained. “Our conversations with customers allows me to do a needs assessment. There are many different kinds of air purifiers.
“We want to match the correct air purifier to customer needs. When I speak with a customer I want to know what they will use the air purifier for Allergies, tobacco smoke, odors, mold chemical sensitivity.
How large is the room where they will use the air purifier? Are they sensitive to noise? Their answers allows me to recommend the best fit for the customer.”
Barry deals with six different manufacturers. He feels that there are enough models among these manufacturers to meet almost every need. Some models are quieter than others. Some models focus on airborne particle removal. Others focus on airborne chemical removal. All rely on carbon – hepa technology. They do not provide air purifiers that use ozone for reasons explained during our interview.
His expertise ranges from the dangers of volcanic smog to cancer causing toxins in beauty salons – what every salon owner and customer should know about the beauty products used in these environments. Nail salons use a wide variety of toxic chemicals that can cause cancer, respiratory disease, disorders of the nervous and reproductive systems, and skin damage. Air purifiers can clean the air of these dangerous toxins, while reducing occupational exposures.

Volcanic Smog
Ultraviolet lamps are also available through several of the manufacturers they represent. The ultraviolet light sterilizes bacteria, mold viruses and mold spores.
Photo catalytic Oxidation may be used in conjunction with Ultraviolet. The process breaks molecular bonds reducing airborne chemicals to smaller safer compounds.
Ionizer purifiers use charged electrical surfaces to collect particles. These may produce trace amounts of ozone. Most ionizers produce less than 0.o5 parts per milling of ozone, an industry safe standard.