Topic: How to stop the foreclosure process. How to obtain a new mortgage at the best price.
- There are over 2100 foreclosures daily across America. Who is responsible for this crisis?
- What if you’re unable to make your mortgage payments on time?
- What if you can’t pay your condo or HOA fees or assessments on time?
- What is mortgage “short-selling” and mortgage “short” refinancing?
- How some savvy homeowners shaved tens of thousands of dollars or more
off existing mortgages and thereby avoided foreclosure. What the banking industry doesn’t want you to know.
[Update: This post was created as the basis for an interview with a mortgage expert, who was unable to participate at the last minute due to a bit of a crisis. His mortgage company suddenly found itself in quicksand, and he lost his job. However, rather than delete the post, and then have Google declare that it was deleted incorrectly, resulting in years of warnings, we’re leaving it in place – perhaps to be used for the next mortgage crisis.]