Replacing a favorite handbag with a newer model.
My handbag is the right shoulder weight and contains all the pockets I require. It was even subjected to the washing machine hot cycle on several occasions. The purse came out perfect with nary a thread exposed.
I purchased my first “edition” two years ago at a department store famous for parades. It cost me roughly thirty dollars. Now it was time to upgrade. The store was having a ONE DAY sale. They sent a ten dollar coupon, but required that I use it before 1:00 pm. Off I went. With hundreds of purses on the horizon, my favorite bag was featured on a table by itself in two colors. What luck!
Sticker Shock. The store marked it up by more than 300 percent…with a 70% discount. The discount reduced it to my original purchase price. With the coupon, I came out ahead. But this did not soften my annoyance at the $98 price tag. How long have they been marking up this $30 item to stratospheric levels?
Moral of the story: Inexpensive purses or handbags might be worth a fortune, depending on the week, day or hour.